PM’s 10 Point Plan for ‘Green Industrial Revolution’

Press Release

Mel Ellis avatar
Mel Ellis

We welcome the commitment from the Prime Minister and his Government to set the Green Revolution agenda to deliver net zero and ‘build back better’. We are glad to see the Government is throwing its weight behind sustainable energy and transport.

The Government has stated that by 2030 all new cars and vans will be electric or hybrid vehicles (till 2035), supported by the required EV charging infrastructure. Limejump is a UK leader in battery storage and we are excited to see more batteries join the Grid through electric vehicles.

The Government stated that it wants the UK to have enough offshore wind capacity to power every home in the UK. Increasing wind generation underscores the requirement for flexible generation and storage when it is not windy.


Limejump wants to see further support for distributed onshore renewables alongside offshore wind; this should allow for a more resilient Grid that is less exposed to weather patterns and transmission constraints.

Limejump is a strong supporter of evolving technologies and are excited to see what the Government’s £500m investment in hydrogen will deliver. Hydrogen technology could be a key lever for the UK to decarbonise the energy sector more quickly.

This 10 Point Plan is a starting point for the UK’s transition towards net zero, and Limejump looks forward to more detail being provided by the Government.